Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Susanna!!

The Kings are headed back to KC tonight. Before they left we had a birthday celebration for Susanna who turns 7 on the 23rd. What could be more special than celebrating with your cousins? Think: home-made crowns, tacos, cake, presents and silly string-- FUN!

Flourless Chocolate Cake-- Yummy! Perfect for the gluten free diet...
Tessa woke up from her nap just in time to catch the end of the party!


Say Cheese Andrew... Susanna- we can't wait to see some of your photos enjoy your new pink camera!

And then the silly string...
The kids didn't even seem to mind that if felt like only 20 degrees out...brrrrr

We had such a fun time with the Kings. It is always hard to see them head back home. Hanging with their cousin is so much fun for the kids. Andrew cried for 30 minutes when he realized they were gone...he asked/cried/yelled if we could go back with them. Then later tonight he even asked to pack a suitcase!- We miss you already!

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