Thursday, October 1, 2009

Eating Party

....aka Picnic
Here is how we arrived at the eating party...
On the way home from picking the boys up at school I needed to get some milk at the store. (on the menu: yummy baked rigatoni...auntie, wish you were closer to share with us!)
How do you successfully take two unwilling, over-tired, cranky 3 year old boys to the grocery store? In our case, usually a little bribery.
In exchange for well behaved boys, I offered steer your own cart and pick your own treat at Sunflower.
Boys' choice: chocolate milk and trail mix.
So on the way home I told them they could have their chocolate milk outside, kind of like a picnic ...
Zach (in an over-tired whine): "But, I don't want a picnic..." and then the waterworks.
Mom "Why don't you want to eat outside?"
Zach "Well, I don't want a picnic...can we have an eating party?" Then to Andrew (now very enthusiastically) "Andrew, can we have a picnic but call it an eating party? We can have an eating party outside and it will be so much fun!" ....and so on trying to convince Andrew.
Andrew "Ok, lets have an eating party"
Zach to Mom "Andrew would really like to have an eating party, he would really love to have an eating party."

Sometimes I just love to listen to their interactions. It is amazing how they can turn each others moods around just by being there for each other! Having a twin must be so cool.

Eating party in place of nap = happy

I better hurry and drink this before mom changes her mind...chocolate milk replacing nap!
Who am I to deny the eating party if it creates smiles like this...


  1. We are having eating parties at our house too!!
    Frank's parents Opa (Joe) and Oma (Gerty) have come to visit us and they making fun dinners for us. Tonight we had zuchini pancakes, tomatoes, broccoli salad, chicken and apple pie! yum yum
    I love you, from Grandma:):):):)
    That's 4 smiles. Can you guess who they are for?

  2. Soon Ill be so close that Ill be able to run over as soon as I smell the rigatoni in the oven! then it will be a real eating party! ~ Love Auntie

  3. make sure to turn the camera on and auntie zz will enjoy the eating party chilean style!
