Monday, October 12, 2009

Cowboy Boots

Tessa lately has been expressing her new found independence through her fashion sense! Sometimes its just plain cute!! Other times (ok- most of the time) its impossible to get out the door in something weather appropriate (publicly acceptable)- every morning Brian and I find ourselves holding our breath. We are quickly discovering that spaghetti straps (her favorite), 30 degree mornings and a newly independent 2 year old don't mix! And of course pants, tights and leggings- don't even go there!
So here is little miss independent in the boys' cowboy pjs and her new red cowboy boots, which she did sleep in that night!
(Cousin Emily....This photo is for you!!--I think I tried to explain what was going on when you called the other is the image. We are sooooo excited to see you on Halloween, sometimes its nice to experience a different kind of crazy!)

Does anyone remember when our little T-Kat used to put on everything in the dress up box? (4 or 5 skirts, a dozen necklaces, gloves and what ever else she could find...) Now its all about as little clothing as possible- funny how that works!
By the way, Jill and I were talking and she walks around with a lot of SASS lately too!


  1. hey you need sass to pull off on outfit like that! i'm sure we could pull out some pictures of mommy with a bathing suit over her clothes to find out where this style sense came from!

  2. This is the Dragon Boat Race. Guess which boat Grandma is on?

    if this doesn't work I sent to your email...
