Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brothers and Sisters

We are back up in Vail and as I was getting ready to put up some photos, I thought about something I had just read (I am reading a book called: Nurture Shock by Po Bronson):
" many sibling relationships, the rate of conflict can be high, but the fun times in the backyard and in the basement more than balance it out"

The book stated that siblings spend 10 min out of every hour in conflict! Sometimes I don't doubt this- the boys in particular seem to really know how to push one another's buttons. But, they also really enjoy having eachother!

Zach loves to make Lexi smile! He often does a crazy dance for her and can be heard speaking silly baby talk...

I really do love my brother! In this photo the boys are "getting married". They had just seem a bride and groom getting portraits taken and they are standing under the "married tree"...

Mmmmm! Pumpkin ice cream...want to try some! (instead of wedding cake!)

At the pool in Avon...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cowboy Boots

Tessa lately has been expressing her new found independence through her fashion sense! Sometimes its just plain cute!! Other times (ok- most of the time) its impossible to get out the door in something weather appropriate (publicly acceptable)- every morning Brian and I find ourselves holding our breath. We are quickly discovering that spaghetti straps (her favorite), 30 degree mornings and a newly independent 2 year old don't mix! And of course pants, tights and leggings- don't even go there!
So here is little miss independent in the boys' cowboy pjs and her new red cowboy boots, which she did sleep in that night!
(Cousin Emily....This photo is for you!!--I think I tried to explain what was going on when you called the other is the image. We are sooooo excited to see you on Halloween, sometimes its nice to experience a different kind of crazy!)

Does anyone remember when our little T-Kat used to put on everything in the dress up box? (4 or 5 skirts, a dozen necklaces, gloves and what ever else she could find...) Now its all about as little clothing as possible- funny how that works!
By the way, Jill and I were talking and she walks around with a lot of SASS lately too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Susanna!!

The Kings are headed back to KC tonight. Before they left we had a birthday celebration for Susanna who turns 7 on the 23rd. What could be more special than celebrating with your cousins? Think: home-made crowns, tacos, cake, presents and silly string-- FUN!

Flourless Chocolate Cake-- Yummy! Perfect for the gluten free diet...
Tessa woke up from her nap just in time to catch the end of the party!


Say Cheese Andrew... Susanna- we can't wait to see some of your photos enjoy your new pink camera!

And then the silly string...
The kids didn't even seem to mind that if felt like only 20 degrees out...brrrrr

We had such a fun time with the Kings. It is always hard to see them head back home. Hanging with their cousin is so much fun for the kids. Andrew cried for 30 minutes when he realized they were gone...he asked/cried/yelled if we could go back with them. Then later tonight he even asked to pack a suitcase!- We miss you already!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tattered Cover

The Tattered Cover is good... The Tattered Cover on a snow day is better...The Tattered Cover on a snow day with Susanna--AWESOME!
Today was the first snow day in Denver!
Susanna and Family are in town visiting, and since the pumpkin festival was postponed due to weather we made it a book store day!
Loaded all kids into the car and headed over to Tattered Cover in an attempt to stay out of the house and give Brian a chance to rest. In the car ride over, Tessa kept repeating "there's snow out side...look...i see it...look....i see it"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Perfect Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year...
I love when the weather cools down a little, the leaves start falling, the energy changes, and we just seem to get more grounded this time of year. I also love that Turkey dinners are right around the corner...yummmmm (no i am not pregnant...I think it is because the man at vitamin cottage asked if I wanted to order my turkey)
Wednesday was one of those perfect park days...Brian was home early from work, the kids went napless (sometimes rough, but the early bedtime is nice!) and we had so much fun playing in the leaves!

Tessa is such a tomboy! Love the pretty skirt (her choice) and truck...

"Piggies" (pigtails) are her new favorite hair...way too cute with her curls! The green band was her own touch...

The excitement is so genuine...I wish we could do this everyday!

My attempt to freeze time...

Couldn't you just lay with him all day...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

THE Skirt

Today getting out of the house was all about THE SKIRT....
(Tessa has been a struggle lately and clothes have been a nightmare, fortunately this skirt did the it has been doing the last few days)

Cinnamon rolls at Duffy's before school...

Happy Birthday...

...Lexi is now 4 months old!
It really does go by so fast. She is doing great. My favoirte memory is watching the other kids interact with her. I love the way they make her giggle -it is so genuine. It is hard not to adore her!

Monday, October 5, 2009


How good can a Sunday be...
After 4 hours of sleep saturday night- see Tessa post below. Brian and I woke up with pretty low Sunday expectations. We didn't want to fight the battle with Tessa's clothes so we figured an at home day was what it would be...
But things were different...Tessa put on clothes, the boys ate a good breakfast, Lexi was prefect, grandparents came over and we were off!

First stop: Four Mile Historical Park Pumpkin Festival with Granny, Pappy, Missy and Grandpa!
The grandpas watched Lexi on the ground and the rest of us went on a stage coach ride. did they do it back then?

And then we were off to our favorite Sunday Brunch location, Elways
Table for 10....

And there were even lots of smiles!

Perfect Meal to Celebrate...Happy Birthday Pappy!!

We ended the day with Aunite and a sunday diner and even got to talk to Auntie ZZ via Skype...perfect family day!