Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We LOVE School

.....especially on Wednesdays!
Every Wednesday I take all three kids to school together. Andrew and Zach go to their regular class and Tessa gets to go to a mom and tot class at the same preschool. Wednesdays are special because we usually get to go to Starbucks or Duffy's (cinnamon rolls) before school. Today we went to starbucks...

Tessa seems to be growing up so fast...

Are Vanilla Frosted Scone eyes the new Tiramisu Eyes ?!?!?
Another perk of Wednesdays.... (well maybe)
Tessa's class is over at the same time the boys have recess which means we get to spy on them and sometimes visit. Today Andrew told me he doesn't want me to come at playtime he wanted me to wait until after he eats this the same boys that used to cry at every drop off?!?!?!... makes me a little sad

Tessa in her classroom...


  1. Those are HUGE Vanilla Scone Eyes, some pretty good competition!

  2. tiramisu eyes are out...vanilla scone eyes are totally in! I love the pictures!!! ~Emily

  3. I am going to school too! And it's a good idea to have a good breakfast!! Love Grandma
