Sunday, September 27, 2009


So here is how our Friday went...
While the boys are at school and Tessa is doing her playgroup (see pervious post), quickly pack all the gear for 4 kids and 2 adults...the shoes alone are a lot!

Pick the boys up from school and start the 2 hour drive up to Vail...thankfully an uneventful drive. Arrive at our condo in the Village to these incredible views!! ahhhhh! (taken from our condo in the middle of the village!)

First stop: a family walk to toy store because we forgot to bring Tessa a baby doll. Discover it is closed for the season and instead discover the magical calming power of 88 cents worth of pick your own jelly beans from the general store next door.

A trip to pirate ship park...

Dinner at Vendetta's...

Miss Independent walking through the Village...

Late Night (6:30) ice cream in Lionshead...

A Bus ride back to the condo in the Village...

And, still time to stop and smell the flowers!! Which are still in bloom everywhere...The summer slogan is fitting...

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