Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tessa is 2!!!

Today Tessa turns 2!!!

Oh how fast the time has gone...two years ago we took the boys and Bailey on a walk to the park and called Auntie Madie because I just didn't feel right. Good thing she came up from Colorado Springs, because Tessa was born only a few hours later!

Tessa is growning up so fast. She is incredibly strong willed, independent, loves to sign and talk, has a belly laugh that is contagious, dresses in all pink 90% of the time, and is fearless. Her curls are adorable and crazy at the same time and she doesn't like to go anywhere without her bow- she even makes sure kitty has a bow too. She loves playing with her brothers and sisters: she can be as tough as Andew, as silly as Zach, and is very caring to Lexi.

Here are some birthday morning photos. When you turn two you get to pour your own milk in your cereal....oh so special!

She is singing happy birthday in this photo...

Because it is Wednesday, Tessa even got to celebrate her birthday at school with all of her friends! Yippee...more cupcakes and singing- even a candle...

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